Saturday, 31 May 2014

BARRY - Weds 28th May 2014

2014 Movement Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
22-May arr Christina Hamina Vopak discharge chemicals
23-May dep Christina

28-May arr Grimm Cardiff No 2 Dock Discharge timber
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

GRIMM IMO: 9053907
Year 1992 Flag: Cyprus
Gross 3,564 Deadweight: 4,175

Length: 104.8 Beam 15.4 Draught: 4.1
Entering the No1 Dock with a part cargo of timber (from Riga) for the No 2 Dock.


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

CARDIFF - Tues 27th May 2014

2014 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
19-May dep HMS Dragon Bristol Channel

19-May dep SD Indulgent Portsmouth

19-May dep SD Independent Portsmouth

19-May arr Bro Deliverer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
19-May arr Welsh Piper Swansea/Culver Empire Discharge sand/aggregate
19-May dep Welsh Piper Culver/Avonm'th

20-May dep Bro Deliverer Milford Haven

20-May arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
20-May dep Coronel Warrenpoint

21-May dep Antonia B Avonmouth

23-May arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
23-May arr Amur Star Rotterdam No 1 Oil Discharge oil/chem prod
23-May dep Coronel Dublin

24-May dep Amur Star Milford Haven

25-May arr Grimm Riga
Discharge timber
25-May arr Bro Distributor Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
26-Apr arr Arco Dart Avonm'th/Culver Hansons Discharge sand/aggregate
26-May dep Bro Distributor Milford Haven

26-May dep Arco Dart Liverpool

26-May arr Welsh Piper Avonm'th/Culver Empire Discharge sand/aggregate
26-May dep Welsh Piper Culver/Newport

27-May arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
27-May arr Eems Carrier Bremen H Shed Discharge steel
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.


Year 1996 Flag: Netherlands
Gross 1,546 Deadweight: 2,346

Length: 85.8 Beam 10.8 Draught: 4.8
ex Koerier -08
Eems Carrier arriving from Bremen with a cargo of steel.
Better photographs taken 19th August 2014

Thursday, 22 May 2014

CARDIFF - Sun 18th May 2014

2014 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
15-May dep Ionian Trader TSFO

16-May arr Welsh Piper Newport/Culver Hansons Discharge sand/aggregate
16-May arr Accum Poole No 1 Berth load
16-May dep Welsh Piper Culver/Avonm'th

16-May arr Thun Galaxy Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
17-May arr Welsh Piper Avonm'th/Culver Empire Discharge sand/aggregate
17-May dep Coronel Dublin

17-May dep Welsh Piper Culver/Swansea

17-May dep Thun Galaxy Whitegate

18-May arr Antonia B Karlshamn Roath dock Discharge timber
18-May dep Accum Porto Vesme

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site.
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

ANTONIA B IMO: 8318128

Year 1983 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Gross 3,780 Deadweight: 4,646

Length: 97.0 Beam 17.6 Draught: 6.0
ex Clontarf -08, Hajo -03, Takitimu -98, Ocean -94, Velazquez -91, Ocean -88,
City of Salerno -87, Ocean -86, Akak Ocean -86, Ocean -84
Arriving from Karlshamn with a cargo of timber, some on deck.


BARRY - Sun 18th May 2014

2014 Movement Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
11-May dep Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden

15-May arr Stolt Razorbill Birkenhead Vopak load chemicals
16-May dep Stolt Razorbill Rotterdam

17-May arr Stolt Dipper Birkenhead Vopak load chemicals
18-May arr Bomar Moon St Brieuc No 2 Dock Load project cargo
18-May dep Stolt Dipper Antwerp

18-May dep Bomar Moon Rotterdam

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

Year 2008 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Gross 1,850 Deadweight: 2,850

Length: 81.4 Beam 13.2 Draught: 4.7
ex Stella Moon -10

Arriving into No 1 dock, then turning into No 2 dock to load a project cargo of one large storage tank/pressure vessel.


Friday, 16 May 2014

CARDIFF - Weds 14th May 2014

2014 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
13-May arr Arco Dart Newport/Culver Hansons Discharge sand/aggregate
13-May dep Voyager Scilly Isles

13-May dep Arco Dart Culver/Bridgewater

13-May dep Celtic Challenger Hull

14-May arr SD Indulgent Portsmouth Kings Wharf
14-May arr SD Independent Portsmouth Kings Wharf
14-May arr HMS Dragon Bristol Channel Britannia courtesy visit
14-May arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
14-May dep Allegretto Bayonne

14-May arr Ionian Trader Fos No 1 Oil Discharge oil/chem prod
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

The tanker Ionian Trader slipped in and out unnoticed, so no photograph.
The tugs SD Indulgent and SD Independent arrived from Portsmouth to assist with the berthing of HMS Dragon. A rather protracted event, taking 4 hours from locking in to tying up at Britannia Quay.

Year 2009 Flag: UK
Gross 158 Deadweight:

Length: 26.1 Beam 4.5 Draught: 5.3


Year 2009 Flag: UK
Gross 158 Deadweight:

Length: 26.1 Beam 4.5 Draught: