Monday, 27 July 2015

CARDIFF - Sat 25th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
18-Jul dep Willy Milford Haven

18-Jul arr Bro Distributor Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
19-Jul dep Bro Distributor Milford Haven

20-Jul dep Pinnau Londonderry

21-Jul arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
21-Jul dep Coronel Warrenpoint

21-Jul arr Arco Dart Avonm'th/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
22-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Newport

23-Jul dep Avanti C Glasgow

23-Jul arr Bro Deliverer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
24-Jul arr Arco Dart Newport/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
24-Jul dep Bro Deliverer Milford Haven

24-Jul arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
24-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver Bank

24-Jul dep Coronel Dublin

24-Jul arr Arco Dart Culver Bank Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
25-Jul arr Countess Anna Newhaven EMR Discharge scrap metals
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.


Year 1994 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Gross 1,589 Deadweight 2,684

Length: 82.5 Beam 11.6 Draught: 4.8
ex Wiebke K -05
Departing Cardiff on 27th July, bound for Bideford.

Arriving from Newhaven with scrap metals for EMR

Friday, 24 July 2015

BARRY - Thurs 23rd July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
21-Jul arr Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden Vopak discharge chemicals
22-Jul arr Stolt Sanderling Foynes Vopak load chemicals
22-Jul dep Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden

22-Jul dep Stolt Sanderling Antwerp

23-Jul arr Fri Karmsund Warrenpoint No 2 Dock Discharge timber
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.


Year 1999 Flag: Cyprus
Gross 2,858 Deadweight 4,935

Length: 89.8 Beam 13.6 Draught: 6.4
ex L/a Thor-99, River Tyne -11, Blue River -14
Pictured arriving at Cardiff, January 2015.

CARDIFF - Fri 17th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
14-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Avonm'th

14-Jul arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
14-Apr dep Coronel Warrenpoint

14-Jul dep Anzoras Bilbao

16-Jul dep Sospan Dau Liverpool

16-Jul arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
16-Jul arr Welsh Piper Yelland/Culver Empire discharge sand/aggregate
17-Jul arr Pinnau Newport Ryans Whrf Load wood pulp?
17-Jul arr Willy Rotterdam No 1 Oil Discharge oil/chem prod
17-Jul dep Coronel Dublin

17-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver/Swansea

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site.
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

PINNAU IMO: 9199139

Year 2003 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Gross 2,461 Deadweight 3,686

Length: 87.9 Beam 12.8 Draught: 5.5
ex Gertrud Muller -03
Arriving from Newport.

BARRY - Weds 15th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
01-Jul dep Cable One Bristol Channel
to work area
13-Jul arr Alec D Swansea No 3 Dock
14-Jul arr Sabrina Newnham Jackson Bay shelter
15-Jul dep Sabrina Baltimore (Irl)

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

SABRINA MMSI 235003666

Flag: UK
Deadweight 88

Length: 28.0 Beam 6.0 Draught: 1.4
24 metre class workboat/ modified landing craft
Pictured departing Cardiff Bay in March 2011

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

CARDIFF - Mon 13th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
6-Jul arr Welsh Piper Culver Bank Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
6-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver/Avonm'th

6-Jul arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
7-Jul dep Coronel Warrenpoint

7-Jul arr Arco Dart Newport/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
8-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Newport

8-Jul dep Stroombank Drogheda

9-Jul arr Bro Designer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
9-Jul arr Sospan Dau Bristol Channel D shed not known
9-Jul arr Arco Dart Newport/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
9-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Newport

9-Jul dep Bro Designer Milford Haven

9-Jul arr Celtic Navigator Diliskelesi Seawood Discharge steel
10-Jul dep Sospan Dau Cardiff Pool
10-Jul arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
10-Jul arr Arco Dart Newport/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
10-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Swansea

10-Jul dep Coronel Dublin

11-Jul arr Avanti C Barrow Penarth dredging
11-Jul dep Celtic Navigator Birkenhead

11-Jul arr Welsh Piper Swansea/Culver Empire discharge sand/aggregate
11-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver/Avonm'th

12-Jul arr Welsh Piper Avonm'th/Culver Empire discharge sand/aggregate
12-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver/Avonm'th

13-Jul arr Anzoras Aviles EMR Load scrap metals
13-Jul arr Arco Dart N'port/Mid Gnd Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
13-Jul dep Arco Dart Middle Ground

13-Jul arr Arco Dart Middle Ground Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

ANZORAS IMO: 9397664
Year 2008 Flag: Spain (Canary Is)
Gross 3,995 Deadweight 5,750

Length: 100.0 Beam 15.6 Draught: 6.3
Departing Cardiff on 14th July, bound for Bilbao with scrap metals.



Monday, 6 July 2015

CARDIFF - Sun 5th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
5-Jul arr Welsh Piper Avonm'th/Culver Empire discharge sand/aggregate
5-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver Bank

5-Jul arr Stroombank Eregli/Leixoes A Shed Discharge steel
5-Jul arr Welsh Piper Culver Bank Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
5-Jul dep Welsh Piper Culver Bank

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site.
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

Year 2009 Flag: Netherlands
Gross 2,999 Deadweight 4,550

Length: 89.8 Beam 14.0 Draught: 6.0
Arriving at Cardiff with a part cargo of steel


CARDIFF - Sat 4th July 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
29-Jun dep Colorado Star Stanlow

30-Jun arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
30-Jun dep Victress Belfast

30-Jun dep Geervliet Rotterdam

30-Jun arr Arco Dart M Haven/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
30-Jun arr Bomar Moon Cork No 1 Berth load steel rebar
30-Jun dep Coronel Dublin

30-Jun dep Rix Flevo Teignmouth

30-Jun dep Arco Dart Culver/Avonm'th

01-Jul arr Arco Dart Avonm'th/Culver Hansons discharge sand/aggregate
01-Jul dep Arco Dart Culver/Appledore

02-Jul dep Bomar Moon Belfast

02-Jul arr Claus Rotterdam No 1 Oil Discharge oil/chem prod
02-Jul arr Bro Designer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
03-Jul arr Coronel Warrenpoint Container containers
03-Jul dep Bro Designer Milford Haven

03-Jul dep Coronel Warrenpoint

03-Jul dep Claus Milford Haven

04-Jul arr Minerva Belfast West End Cruise ship visit
04-Jul arr Sospan Dau Llanelli Cdf Pool dredging
04-Jul dep Minerva Scilly Isles

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site.
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

MINERVA IMO: 9144196

Year 1989 Flag: Bermuda
Gross 12,449 Deadweight 2,004

Length: 133.5 Beam 20.3 Draught: 5.8
ex Okean -96, Minerva -03, Saga Pearl -03 & 04-05,
Explorer II 03-04, 06-06 & 07-08, Alexander Von Humboldt 05-06 & 06-07
Departing Cardiff, bound for the Isles of Scilly.


Thursday, 2 July 2015

BARRY - Tues 30th June 2015

2015 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
7-May dep Mary M Bristol Channel

16-May arr Bergstraum Tjeldbergodden Vopak discharge chemicals
17-May dep Bergstraum Elnesvagen

23-May arr Stolt Petrel Nantes Vopak load chemicals
24-May dep Stolt Petrel Antwerp

2-Jun arr Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden Vopak discharge chemicals
3-Jun dep Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden

17-Jun arr Stolt Guillimot New Ross Vopak load chemicals
18-Jun dep Stolt Guillemot Antwerp

29-Jun arr Bomar Quest Tjeldbergodden Vopak discharge chemicals
30-Jun arr Cable One Tyboron (Dk) No 2 Dock revictualling
30-Jun dep Bomar Quest Cork

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site. 
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

CABLE ONE IMO: 7409281

Year 1976 Flag: Danish (Int)
Gross 432 Deadweight 247

Length: 35.3 Beam 9.7 Draught: 4.6
ex      Clarkwood -90, Grampian Wood -00
Cable laying support/safety vessel revictualling prior to working in the Bristol Channel