Tuesday, 21 January 2014

CARDIFF - Mon 20th January 2014

2014 Arr/Dep Name From/To Berth load/dis. Cargo
14-Jan arr Coronel Dublin Container containers
14-Jan arr Bro Deliverer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
14-Jan dep Wolthusen Algeciras

14-Jan dep Coronel Warrenpoint

15-Jan dep Bro Deliverer Milford Haven

15-Jan arr Sospan Dau Dordrecht Cdf Pool dredging
15-Jan arr Arco Dart Culver Sands Hansons Discharge Sand
15-Jan dep Arco Dart Culver Sands

16-Jan arr Welsh Piper Culver Sands Empire Discharge Sand
16-Jan arr Arco Dart Holms Hansons Discharge Sand
16-Jan arr Bro Designer Milford Haven Valero Discharge oil products
16-Jan dep Welsh Piper Culver Sands

17-Jan dep Arco Dart Culver Sands

17-Jan arr Coronel Warrenpoint Cdf Pool containers
17-Jan arr Sospan Dau Bristol Channel Bells
17-Jan dep Bro Designer Milford Haven

17-Jan dep Sospan Dau Bristol Channel

17-Jan arr Thun Gothia Milford Haven No 1 Oil Discharge oil products
18-Jan arr Welsh Piper Culver Sands Empire Discharge Sand
18-Jan arr Echion Thessaloniki A Shed Discharge
18-Jan dep Thun Gothia Milford Haven

18-Jan dep Welsh Piper Culver Sands

18-Jan dep Coronel Dublin

19-Jan arr Sospan Dau Bristol Channel Bells repairs
19-Jan dep ACM Delta TSFO

20-Jan dep Sospan Dau Bristol Channel

20-Jan arr Pinta Halmstad Ryans Whrf Discharge timber
20-Jan arr City of Cardiff Culver Sands Hansons Discharge Sand
20-Jan dep City of Cardiff Culver Sands

Click on ships name (coloured orange) above, for link to photo and ship details on this site.
Ship movements information gathered from Associated British Ports and other sources.

PINTA IMO: 9063299
Year 1993 Flag: Gibraltar
Gross 2,190 Deadweight: 2,795

Length: 82.3 Breadth: 12.5 Draught: 5.4
Manoeuvring towards Ryans Wharf in the Roath Dock.  Holds full of packaged timber, some on deck.


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